Transforming Goals into Results: A Real Estate Agent's Blueprint for Success

Jan 22, 2024

Us real estate agents have a deep-seated passion for setting goals. Our enthusiasm for setting goals is deeply rooted in a range of psychological principles and theories. 

Central to this is the E-E-E Model of goal setting, which illustrates that effective goal-setting fulfills three key functions: Enlightening, Encouraging, and Enabling us. 

This model sheds light on our strengths and weaknesses, offers motivation and courage for change, and helps us bridge the gap between our real and ideal selves. 

We've all experienced the thrill of setting new goals, especially at pivotal moments in life, desiring change. 

In these moments of goal-setting, we're often filled with self-love and belief. 

However, what follows is a familiar pattern. Despite our initial enthusiasm, a staggering 70% of people fail to achieve their goals, and this failure rate jumps to 92% for New Year's resolutions. 

Maybe you’ve found yourself to be part of those high failure rates in the past? However, I know you’re ready to change that, as you are reading this blog. So, because of that, I have created a free download for you. It's a comprehensive set of worksheets & a 12-week planner; the 'Transforming Goals into Results - A Real Estate Agent's Blueprint for Success' download will support you to break that cycle, guiding you from goal setting to goal getting with practical tools and insights. Just click the link to download your free copy

So why is it that the failure rate can skyrocket up to 92%? Is it the common experience of failing in the past to meet our goals that plants a seed of doubt, sometimes that seed of doubt can be so strong, it prevents us from even wanting to set goals even when we are very dissatisfied with our life experience and circumstances 

For those of us who are big dreamers – and I include myself in this group – the problem isn't a lack of belief in our goals. We dream big and believe wholeheartedly in our visions. 

Yet, we often get caught in the trap of setting grandiose goals without executing them. Without structured planning, we risk remaining dreamers, never achieving what doers accomplish.

So, why do we fail in achieving our goals? 

The lack of structured planning is a key issue. 

Big dreams need the discipline to create and follow a step-by-step plan, in order to bring their goal to fruition. 

Often, we get stuck in the visionary phase, enjoying the idea of 'what could be' but struggling to take the necessary steps to make these dreams a reality. 

Understanding the common roadblocks to success is crucial in breaking this cycle. 

These roadblocks include focusing more on the reward than the effort, failing to plan for obstacles, not setting deadlines, being influenced by naysayers, procrastination, inaction, inability to manage distractions, giving up too soon, and the fear of both failure and success.

By recognizing and understanding these pitfalls, we can better equip ourselves to overcome them, paving the way to successfully achieve our goals.

In my view, to set and achieve our goals successfully, we need three key elements. First, we need clarity about our goals and their significance to us; understanding and aligning with the 'why' behind them is crucial for success. Secondly, grasping the concept of motivation is essential. Finally, we require a plan to which we are held accountable for. 

So let's break down these 3 concepts and how to implement them into your goal setting experience for success.  Starting with gaining clarity on our goals and understanding why they truly are so important to us

Recently, while delving into a book on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), I came across a fascinating concept: the formulation of 'well-formed outcomes' or goals. 

This approach involves a series of probing questions that encourage a deep dive into our goals, helping us understand their true significance and what it might take to achieve them. 

These aren't just any goals; they're about creating a clear, achievable vision that resonates with our deepest desires and capabilities.

Here are the well-formed outcome questions you should be asking yourself:

  • What is the specific goal you want to achieve?
  • When do you plan to achieve this goal?
  • Where will this outcome/goal be realized?
  • What is the purpose behind achieving this goal?
  • Do you know the steps necessary to reach your goal?
  • Do you believe you are capable of achieving this goal?
  • Have you attempted to reach this goal in the past?
  • Do you have a detailed action plan?
  • How will you monitor and measure your progress?

But why bother with this thorough interrogation of your goals? 

The answer lies in the power of clarity and intention. 

By dissecting each goal with these questions, you gain a deeper understanding of your true motivations,  you identify potential obstacles, and you gain clarity on the steps needed for success. 

This process not only reinforces your commitment but also equips you with a strategic roadmap, improving your chances of success. 

So the second element to achieving the goals you set for yourself, as I see it, is truly understanding the energy of motivation, and truly understanding what is motivating you.

Motivation, at its core, is the internal drive that prompts us to act. It's what pushes us to pursue our goals.

There are two main types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. 

Intrinsic motivation comes from within us. It's driven by personal satisfaction and the joy we get from our lives. In simple terms; it's what makes us happy.

For example, for us as real estate agents, we might feel intrinsically motivated by the personal satisfaction of being known locally as the go to agent for that local marketplace, or the trust advisor to the community in terms real estate sales and purchasing or, it could be the intellectual challenge of dealing with a certain segment in the real estate market such as property developers. So, again, to put it in simple terms; it's how we feel about our place in the community, and how we feel about the conversations we’re having.

This type of motivation is powerful for goal setting because it aligns with our personal values and passions, making the pursuit of these goals more enjoyable and meaningful.

On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards such as earning a certain amount of commission per quarter or year allowing us to purchase something of high value that we want, achieving a certain sales target, or winning an industry award. 

While extrinsic motivation can be effective in the short term, especially for specific goal achievement, it might not sustain long-term commitment if the goals don't resonate on a deeper, more personal level.

Understanding these two types of motivation can significantly impact how we set and achieve goals. 

Goals aligned with our intrinsic motivations are likely to be more fulfilling and easier to commit to. They tap into our deeper desires and passions, making the journey towards these goals as rewarding as the outcome itself. 

Goals driven solely by extrinsic motivations might be challenging to sustain, especially in the face of obstacles or when the initial excitement wanes.

When setting goals, it's important to ask ourselves: 'Does this goal align with my inner passions and values (intrinsic), and does it also offer external rewards that I find motivating (extrinsic)?'

Finding this balance is key to not only achieving our goals but also enjoying the journey towards these achievements.

To align your goals with your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, go ahead and download 'Transforming Goals into Results! A Real Estate Agent's Blueprint for Success.' This free guide, complete with worksheets and a 12-week planner, will help you tap into your motivations and set goals that resonate with your deepest values.

And finally the third element to achieving the goals you set for yourself, as I see it, is to have a plan, broken down into action steps, which you are held accountable for. 

Traditionally, goals are set on an annual basis, but this often leads to procrastination and a lack of urgency. 

Which is why I always work to the 12-week Year concept which is detailed in the book by Brian Moran and Michael Lennington

In simple terms, The 12 Week Year condenses the timeframe, transforming a year into 12 weeks. 

One significant advantage of the 12 Week Year is the clarity it brings. 

When you're working with a shorter time frame, you're forced to be specific about what you can realistically achieve. 

This approach supports commitment and a clear vision of what success looks like in a 12-week period. 

It's not just about dreaming big but also about planning and executing effectively.

The shift from a yearly to a 12-week planning cycle naturally enhances productivity. 

What makes the 12 week year so powerful is that accountability is its cornerstone. 

With the 12-week year concept; you actively engage in a weekly review process;  allowing for reflection on what’s working and what’s not, making it easier to adapt and overcome obstacles that are popping up in your path to success. 

The ultimate aim of the 12 Week Year is not just to set goals but to achieve them more efficiently. 

The 12 Week Year is a powerful tool in bridging the gap between goal setting and goal achieving. 

Now, do you want to know the secret sauce of ensuring you do take consistent action towards, and successfully achieving your goals throughout this year? The answer is to leverage an accountability partner.

Getting out of bed at 6am to hit the gym is far easier to do when you have agreed to meet your gym accountability partner there. 

Having an accountability partner makes you want to do better, often it forces you to do better, because you’ve committed yourself to another who also wants to do better, be better, be all they can be.

Use your accountability partner to help you foster the energy of healthy competition by committing to your goals with the accountability partner as your referee. 

In fact, in the Get Listings Bootcamp, we've created a unique and supportive space where I, alongside our community of members, offer weekly accountability at our group coaching sessions. 

These sessions are much more than a simple check-in; they're where motivation meets action. It’s a friendly gathering where everyone is rooting for each other, sharing their progress, and navigating challenges together. 

It's not just about keeping each other accountable; it's about community. 

Every week, we come together to celebrate our wins, big and small, and to encourage each other to keep pushing forward. 

It's this spirit of camaraderie and collective drive that makes our group coaching sessions a cornerstone of success in our Bootcamp. 

So, as we journey through this year, remember that you're not alone in your quest for achieving your goals. 

We're all here, cheering each other on, and making those steps towards success together

As you embrace the journey of setting and achieving your goals, remember the importance of a structured plan. Download my free 'Transforming Goals into Results! A Real Estate Agent's Blueprint for Success' to access a 12-week planner and worksheets that will keep you accountable and on track to turning your real estate sales success dreams into reality

In summary, achieving your goals as a real estate agent involves a blend of personal clarity, understanding your motivation, and adhering to a structured, accountable plan. Emphasizing clarity, you must interrogate your goals with well-formed outcome questions, ensuring they resonate with your true motivations and capabilities. Understanding the dual nature of motivation—both intrinsic and extrinsic—is crucial. Intrinsic motivation aligns with personal values, making goal pursuit enjoyable and meaningful, while extrinsic motivation, driven by external rewards, aids in short-term goal achievement. Balancing these motivations is key to setting fulfilling, sustainable goals.

The final piece of the puzzle is a structured plan, for which the 12 Week Year concept is ideal. This approach emphasizes a shorter, more focused timeframe, enhancing clarity, commitment, and productivity. Regular reviews and adjustments keep you on track, making your goals achievable within a realistic timeline.

Furthermore, the power of an accountability partner cannot be overstated. Much like meeting a gym partner makes it easier to commit to a workout, our Get Listings Bootcamp offers a supportive community for weekly accountability in group coaching sessions. This environment fosters camaraderie and a collective drive towards success, ensuring that you are not alone in your journey. By rooting for each other and sharing our progress, we make the path towards achieving our goals a shared, encouraging, and ultimately successful endeavor.